
Datenschutzerklärung von Teleluft gibt nur auf Englisch respects the privacy of its customers and takes its obligations to protect the privacy of its customers seriously. This policy briefly describes the personally identifiable information that collects from its customers and prospective customers and the steps that it takes to safeguard such information. will not trade, sell, or disclose to any third party any form of customer identifiable information without the consent of the customer. This includes information derived from registration, subscription, and use of the Teleluft service. To the extent required or permitted by law, we may also collect, use and disclose personal information in connection with security related or law enforcement investigations or in the course of cooperating with authorities or complying with legal requirements.Teleluft will save IP Address of registered users upto 45 Days for security reasons. Web sites contain links to other Web sites. is not responsible for the privacy practices of these Web sites. We encourage our visitors and customers to read the privacy policy of each Web site they visit. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected on Web sites.

Teleluft may use cookies when you visit our websites, use Teleluft software or visit other websites where Teleluft serves advertisements. The browser of the Teleluft software client or your Internet browser stores the cookie on your computer's hard drive and this may be accessed by the website during your next visit. Other websites may also send cookies to your browser but your browser will not allow those websites to see Teleluft cookie data.

In addition to cookies, Google analytics, ad-serving and affiliate partners may set cookies and access cookies on your computer, when you are using the Teleluft software client or visiting a website.